
How to Travel Between Copenhagen and Stockholm

Traveling between Copenhagen and Stockholm means to get to spend time in two great cities, both of which have easily accessible, well-planned transport. Once you’ve enjoyed your time seeing all the tourist sights of Copenhagen and Stockholm, and perhaps taken a fika or two, it’s time to move on to the next city. Don’t forget to buy a bag of candy or a Danish pastry for the trip!

If you need to travel between Copenhagen and Stockholm, the choice can seem overwhelming. We’ve gone through each of the options so you can find the route that’s right for you, whether you’re concerned about time, price, or catching the best vistas. Make getting between these capital cities as easy and worry-free as possible with this comprehensive breakdown of each travel method.

Here’s how to travel between Copenhagen, Denmark and Stockholm, Sweden, via the fastest, cheapest, or most beautiful routes:

Most convenient and beautiful route

Train travel between Copenhagen and Stockholm

The train between Copenhagen Central Station (København H) and Stockholm Central Station (Stockholm C) is comfortable, easy, and quite fast. A direct trip is just over five hours, while an indirect trip (through Gothenburg or Malmö) will be about seven to eight hours.

There’s free WiFi, snacks for purchase, and power points in the trains, so working or relaxing is made simple.

Rest your head against the window and gaze out over the Swedish west coast; just gorgeous! Ticket prices are typically between 400 – 1300 SEK/280 – 920 DKK. The earlier you book your ticket, the cheaper it will be.

Book your train ticket here.

How long is the train from Stockholm to Copenhagen?

Usually 5 hours 27 minutes. Some trips include one change or two changes so it takes up to 8 hours. The fastest option take 5 hours 12 minutes. Therefore, we recommend looking at all the options on the SJ website and booking in advance.



Cheapest travel route

Bus travel between Copenhagen and Stockholm

The bus is often the cheapest way to go, though perhaps not the most comfortable thanks to fairly long travel times. The direct bus (FlixBus) takes about 10 hours, while the indirect bus, which goes through Oslo or Gothenburg, can take up to 18 including layover. Make sure you compare to train travel before you book – sometimes the rates end up being the same (or even a smidgen cheaper for the train!), and the train is much faster and more cosy.

Tickets cost between 450 – 700 SEK/300 – 500 DKK one way.

Book your bus tickets here.



Fastest travel route

Fly between Copenhagen and Stockholm

The quickest way to get between Copenhagen (CPH) and Stockholm (ARN) is air travel, which takes approximately one hour and ten minutes. Both cities boast large and easy-to-navigate airports. Getting into the city from each airport is also fast and easy; approximately 25 minutes by metro in Copenhagen and 20 minutes on the Arlanda Express in Stockholm.

You’ll likely find the best flight prices, as well as direct flights, from Norwegian Air or SAS, both of which fly multiple times per day. While yes, flying can be fast, it’s not the greenest way to travel, and can also be quite expensive for such a short trip (typically 600 – 1500 SEK/420 – 1000 DKK one way). But of course, sometimes you just have to fly!

Book your flights here.



Road trip between Copenhagen and Stockholm

Feel like flying down the E4, stretched across Sweden’s stunning west coast? Pretty idyllic, no? A road trip between Copenhagen and Stockholm can be wonderful, and also gives you the opportunity to stop in lovely spots along the way like Helsingborg, or the stunning Wanås Kunstpark.

Without stops or major traffic, the journey is approximately seven – eight hours. But depending on the time of day, the traffic can get intense, especially as you cross the Öresund Bridge from Malmö to Copenhgaen.

Don’t forget that there’s a toll for crossing the bridge: 360 DKK/515 SEK, and that some rental companies charge a fee for crossing an international border, so be sure to ask ahead of time.

Our team uses for finding the best rental car deals from Copenhagen. The platform provides a wide selection of car rental options at competitive prices, allowing us to easily compare offers from multiple providers.

Compare rental cars here!



Do I need to bring my passport between Sweden and Denmark?

If you’re traveling by air, it’s always best to have your passport on you, although EU citizens can technically use any form of national ID.

When traveling by train, bus, or car, there are currently no passport checks in place between the Danish and Swedish borders (this ended in 2017). There is nothing to say that the practice won’t be reinstated, however, so we do suggest that you always carry a passport if possible when crossing national lines.



Is there a ferry between Copenhagen and Stockholm?

There is no ferry between Copenhagen and Stockholm. If you’re in the market for a great ferry ride, we recommend the one between Copenhagen and Oslo.

Need more travel tips? Find out how to travel between Copenhagen and Malmö or Copenhagen and Oslo.

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Rebecca Thandi Norman

Rebecca Thandi Norman is a co-founder and Editor-in-Chief at Scandinavia Standard.