Fashion Week Roundup: Where Do We Go From Here?
What actually just happened?
Scandinavian travel, design, culture, and what’s on for locals, travellers and scandiphiles. Based in Copenhagen and Stockholm.
What actually just happened?
Florals for spring? Groundbreaking.
Modern-day essentials and new classics, there’s something for everyone.
Even if you can’t travel, there’s lots to do at CPHFW.
The Danish designers talk through their new season and fashion week presentations.
The show must go on!
A tasting menu with a Thai twist.
Dresses and peplums and cushions oh my!
A side of karaoke with your Khao Pad? No problem!
Get your head out of the clouds and your nose into these Swedish scented candles with cloud-inspired packaging.
Take a seat!
The best of the best Nordic products.