A Very Scandi Gift Guide 2020

Shopping for the Scandiphile in your life made easy!
Scandinavian travel, design, culture, and what’s on for locals, travellers and scandiphiles. Based in Copenhagen and Stockholm.
Shopping for the Scandiphile in your life made easy!
Which candle is right for you? Let us shine a light on the topic.
No matter your interest or group size, there’s a tour to take!
Get your head out of the clouds and your nose into these Swedish scented candles with cloud-inspired packaging.
The best of the best Nordic products.
The jean genie is making your wish come true.
The two Danish brands have come together to produce beautiful, minimalist speakers.
Maps in every style from vintage to minimalist.
Boots, heels, and sneakers with a Scandi twist.
Everything the Scandiphile in your life needs!
Need a makeup update? The quality doesn’t get much better than this.
Wood pulp underwear? It’s in the main material in the basics you’ve been dreaming about. Discount inside!