Borg Open, a short film about a tennis match played across the US/Mexico border, is the Swedish company’s ode to the unifying power of sport. At a time when the border (and indeed, many man-made borders around the world) is a particularly dangerous and politically-charged space, young tennis players Mariano Argote (MX) and Peter Clemente (US) share their desire for ease of movement between the two countries.
Henrik Bunge, CEO at Björn Borg, says: “Borg Open is our way to state that we, as a sportswear brand, believe in an open world. Unfortunately, the activity is not likely to make those people who promote raising walls change their opinion. But, with our heritage, we know that not only tennis nets, but sport in general, has the power to unite people. We hope to inspire people to reach out to their neighbors and do sport together instead of building walls.”
Created by Swedish agency Round & Round, Borg Open is a collaborative work that employs aerial photography to capture the absurdity of border divisions. Take a look: